Sunday, 1 February 2009

lundi matin, l'empereur

Lovely repetitive song for the days of the week
lundi matin

lundi matin, le roi, sa femme et le petit prince
sont venus chez moi pour me serrer la pince.
mais comme j'étais parti, le petit prince a dit:
"puisque c'est ainsi nous reviendrons mardi"

On Monday morning the emperor, his wife and the little prince
came to my house to shake my hand
but since I had left the little prince said
since this is the way it is we will come back on Tuesday


Emanuelli-Clark family said...

I love this song and am planning to use it in my high school 1st year French class as a fun way to reinforce the days of the week.

Voici une fin que j'ai sur cd chez moi:

"dimanche matin, ........
puisque c'est ainsi, nous ne reviendrons plus."

Kay McMeekin said...

Thanks for you comment!

That's a nice way to end the song!

Unknown said...

This song was used in our french class in Nigeria back in the year 1996 or so..