Wednesday, 16 July 2008

6 grenouilles sur un nénuphar - 6 frogs on a lily pad
Une grenouille sur un nénuphar 6 frogs on a lily pad
Fait quoi ? say what?
Fait croaaaaaaaa say croak

Deux grenouilles sur un nénuphar
Font quoi ?
Font croaaaaaaaa

Trois grenouilles sur un nénuphar
Font quoi ?
Font croaaaaaaaa

Quatre grenouilles sur un nénuphar
Font quoi ?
Font croaaaaaaaa

Cinq grenouilles sur un nénuphar
Font quoi ?
Font croaaaaaaaa

Six grenouilles sur un nénuphar
Font quoi ?
Font croaaaaaaaa

Croaaaaaaaa !

counting song

Another gem from Victoria, OZ
Click on play to begin

10 petites fleurs

Lovely wee song from Australia!
Click on play to begin

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Up to Ten site

This fabulous site is in English and French and is added to regularly. There are lots of fun activities as well as catchy songs
You can find the words here